Saturday, June 27, 2009

When Mass Ignorance Votes

Imagine if the United States allowed a group of uninformed teenagers to determine our next President. Sound insane?

What if they knew little to nothing of our history, our form of government, or our Constitution, and they were the ones who would determine our future. Sound ridiculous?

This is the equivalent of what we are doing with emerging generations of Americans. Mass ignorance is gaining a majority in America. And that mass ignorance has the right to vote.

This is a problem for more than Democrats and Republicans. This is an alarming epidemic facing all Americans.

A few years ago, the Research and Analysis Department at the University of Connecticut, surveyed seniors from the top 55 universities in the United States, including Harvard and Princeton. The seniors were given a simple 35 question survey of American History.

Over 80% of them failed and could not even name the father of the Constitution. (James Madison by the way.)

One of the researchers said, "These seniors are being allowed to graduate as if the past never existed."

The late political philosopher Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, "In order to destroy a people you must first sever their roots." And even Karl Marx said, "A people without a heritage are easily persuaded."

Whether you watch Conan or Hannity, we have all laughed at the "man on the street" when asked what he or she knows about our national leaders. It is amazing how little most Americans currently know, or why it is so important to our future survival as a nation.

America is in SERIOUS trouble.

It is one thing to forget our history, and quite another to know it and completely reject it - which some are in fact doing. But I personally believe that most Americans simply do not understand our heritage, and upon hearing irrational and extreme examples from those explaining it, have chosen to throw the baby out with the bath water and refuse to hear more. This is an incredible tragedy.

Again, mass ignorance is rapidly gaining a majority in America. And that mass ignorance has the right to vote.

So if we don't want inexperienced and uninformed citizens voting our nation into oblivion, we need to make sure the foundations of our Republic are understood, and intentionally passed on the the next generation. And if you think your school has it covered, in most cases, you are dead wrong.

It is imperative to our survival that we understand our own form of government. No form is perfect as they are all run by flawed humans. But to accept alternative forms without scrutiny, and to disregard the lessons learned from history, is ignorant and foolish.

We have more opportunity via the Internet for self education than any other generation. So my challenge is that we wake up and smell the reality before it is too late. Our Founders studied all forms of government over thousands of years. America is a miracle. We cannot take it lightly. Every parent, teacher, and pastor take note.

When Benjamin Franklin and John Adams left the Constitutional Convention, one was asked on the street what form of government that we have. He replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it."
It requires consistant maintenance from all of us. That is the priviledge and responsibility of freedom.

Let's not be a ship of fools toasting one another in the midst of our current storm. If we ignore our responsibility to the next generation, and allow mass ignorance to vote, we cannot complain when they decide to sell the farm.

Kendall Hewitt

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